Don’t Worry About Anything, Instead Pray About Everything

Text for Today: 2 Kings 19:8-19 “Thus you shall say to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you.” (vs. 10).

Don’t depend too much on anyone or the power of the flesh in this world, even your shadow leaves you when you are in darkness; only God never leaves. I asked God at times, “Why are you taking me through troubled water?”

He replied, “Because your enemies can’t swim and they will perish there.” Halleluyah! Very many times the enemy threatens believers by bragging before them over the number of people he had dealt with in the past.

That was exactly what the king of Assyria did to Hezekiah from our text for today. He told him emphatically by mentioning the names of several kings he had brought down already.

Beloved, the fact that some people fell to the onslaught of the wicked does not mean the same thing will happen to you, except you agree. You have a choice to determine what happens to your destiny and God is ever ready to back you up.

The problem with many of us is that we surrender to fate instead of faith. When King Hezekiah received a threatening message from an enemy country, he took the problem to God in prayers.

He even spread the letter out on the floor of the temple so that the Lord can “read” it too. King Hezekiah wanted to be sure that God would not only answer his prayers, but also see and remember the crisis at hand and deliver his people.

God knew about the content of the king’s letter before it was even sent. He heard and answered the king’s plea for help, and they secured victory over the adversaries.

You are a Champion!   

Further Study: Dan. 3:8-30.     

Covenant Prayers                          

  • Father, rebuild your altar afresh in my life, in Jesus’ name.
  • Lord, put to shame every man challenging you in my life.
  • I command the voice of the enemy against me to be silenced.
  • Let the counsel of God prosper in my life in the name of Jesus.


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