Moses Refused To Give Up Despite A Number Of Threats Against Him
Text for Today: Ex. 12:31-42 “It is a night of solemn observance to the Lord for bringing them out of the land of Egypt.” (vs. 42a).
A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire it or preserve his freedom. You must stay steadfast as long as the trial last if you want to secure victory in life.
That was what Moses did continuously until Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to take their leave. He refused to give up despite a number of threats that was made against him.
God does His works in diverse ways of which no man can stop Him whichever way He chooses to use per time. When He compels the enemy of His children to do things at times, the enemy will lose his senses at that moment until the event is over when it will be too late to reverse whatever might have happened.
Such was the case of the exit of the children of Israel from Egypt after which the same Pharaoh who asked them to leave suddenly realized it was a mistake and decided to pursue them. Their liberation of the Israelites was against the wish of Pharaoh and his armies, who intended to keep them in bondage forever.
Beloved, you also should believe God to set you free from all forms of bondage and yoke plaguing your destiny. If God could deliver the Israelites from the land of Egypt, I charge you not to see yourself remaining in any situation that does not glorify God forever.
This last quarter of 2022, you should take every covenant step within your disposal for you to experience your own “Night of Liberation” as well. I decree into your life this day that, the Hand of the Lord which delivered the Israelites from Egypt shall set you free from any form of captivity.
You are a Champion!
Further Study: Ex. 14:1-31.
Covenant Prayers
- Father, I thank you for this brand new day you made me to see.
- Lord, make this day my hour of liberation from any captivity.
- Father, cause me to prosper in whatever I do this day.
- Like God did to Pharaoh and his men, destroy my adversary also.