Don’t Watch the Clock, Do What it Does!
3 Sundays of Prophetic Service
Theme: Launch Out
Date: 22nd January, 2023
Ministering: Pastor Wole Dahunsi
Title: Don’t Watch the Clock, Do What it Does!
Watch the Recorded Video below:
Listen to the recorded audio below:
Key Points
- A clock remains a clock as long as it keeps moving.
- You can’t beat the person who never gives up.
- Fear is a monster. It comes from the enemy.
- The Spirit of fear is a major weapon in the hands of the enemy.
- F.E.A.R. – False Expression Appearing to be Real
- The spirit of fear takes the battle to your heart.
- The spirit of fear will want you to remain in your comfort zone.
- Focus on Jesus not on the wind. Focus on your destination. (Matthew 14:22-31)