Champions Nuggets July - Sept 2022 Image

God Has Never And Will Never Respond To Complaints And Murmuring

Text for Today: Romans 10:1-13 “But what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” (vs. 8).

It is a share waste of resources, time and years, doing the same thing over and over again without any result and you refuse to do something about it. This is how to describe those who are fond of complaining, lamenting and grumbling over life’s trials and challenges, and yet nothing seems to be working out well for them.

Do you know why? God has never and will never respond to complaints and murmuring, rather He will punish those who engage in it. As believers, we must know that the only thing that God will respond to from your life is your confession, prayers, steps of faith and labour of love in His kingdom.

So if you are one of those who are full of complaints and grumbling, I charge you to have a change of heart as from today and begin to do what is right to get divine attention. It will be difficult for anyone who fails to declare what he wants in life, to get to his throne.

It does not matter how promising your expectation looks like, confessing it regularly is a major tool that will make it happen. Your tongue is one of the greatest assets God has placed at your disposal. Use it wisely and you will enjoy it (Prov. 18:21).

Power of life and death are upon the tongue. Faith talk is what God responds to not mere murmuring or lamentation. It is easy to slip from speaking faith into speaking fear, so stop thinking about your past experiences and start talking about your expectation, because your expectation is the womb of your manifestation.

Be wise!

You are a Champion!

Further Study: James 3:1-11.

Covenant prayers                            

  • Father, I thank you for the privilege of seeing this new day.
  • Lord, deliver me from the spirit of grumbling and murmuring.
  • Father, empower me to use my tongue to turn things around.
  • I decree that this week shall be my week of unlimited glory.


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