God Turned The Adversity Into A Blessing

Text for Today: Esther 6:1-11 “Then the king said to Haman, Hurry, take the robe and the horse, as you have suggested, and do so for Mordecai the Jew who sits within the king’s gate.” (vs. 10).

It’s a big mistake to conclude too soon over a man who is connected to God because of his present challenges. Beloved, until God is through with you, no man can say its over for you.

Our God whom we serve is the Almighty, who has the ultimate power to change times and seasons. He is the lifter up of heads and destiny.

There is no low level a man may be in life that God cannot put him on the throne. Have you ever asked when will God show up? When will He arise, when will he deliver me? I want to reassure you that He is never late!

It may seem as if nothing is happening and your prayers may seem unanswered. You may feel time is running out, but God is never under pressure.

From our text for today, Mordecai stood for God, feared and served Him, kept His commandments and it still seemed as if God had forgotten him. And now, not only was he facing the same battle for his life, the whole of Israel in captivity was facing the same battle.

At the most critical moment when Haman the enemy of the Jews thought it was all over for them and wanted to ask for permission from the king to kill all Jews, the king, having been unable to sleep, read about Mordecai’s good deed which had not been rewarded.

Instead of death, Mordecai was rewarded and Haman had the worst for it, by becoming the continuity announcer of Mordecai’s turn around. I decree into your life that, before this year is over, your arch enemy shall be put to shame in Jesus name.

You are a Champion!

Further Study: Luke 7:11-17.

Covenant Prayers                          

  • Father, I thank you for your mercy that has not failed over me.
  • Lord, come to my rescue at every point I look up to you for help.
  • I shall become a voice where people are saying it is over for me.
  • Lord, let my heavens of Joy that knows no bounds, be opened.


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