Annual 4 Sundays of Family Deliverance and Blessings

Recovering Your Assets From Ancestral Thieves

Annual 4 Sundays of Family Deliverance and Blessings

Date: 21st May, 2023

Ministering: Pastor Wole Dahunsi

Topic: Recovering Your Assets From Ancestral Thieves

References: Isaiah 45:3; 1 Samuel 30:8

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Assets they steal from people:

1. Glory.

– When the glory of a man is taken away, he lives the life of an escort.

2. Health.

– Health is an asset.

– In the absence of good health, dreams die. Dreams get crippled.

3. Marriage

4. Career

5. Finances. (Psalm 18:37)

Places where the enemy hide stolen assets:

1. Inside evil trees.

2. Inside rocks.

3. The earth.

4. Human beings.

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