Check Yourself, If You Don’t Get Joy In His Presence
Text for Today: Ps. 122:1-9 “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord. (vs.1).
The Bible is the only complete and perfect book of life, because all other books have deficiencies of some sorts. Everything written in the Bible stands forever and nothing can alter it, and it gives enormous blessing to those who believe it and walk accordingly.
The psalmist says in our text for today, “I was glad when they said to me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Why would he not be glad, since there is no better place a man can go to that will give him lasting joy and peace in life like the presence of God.
Whoever seeks for joy and peace elsewhere has simply signed up for frustration and trouble. In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. Thus, whoever gets less than this or contrary to these each time he goes to the house of God definitely needs special counselling and prayers.
The state of your heart whenever you go to a place will determine what you get from there. Going to church is a thing of joy to those who love God.
David said “I have loved the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells” (Psalms 26:8). The question now is, are you glad each time you have opportunity to go to the church? If not, address it so as to stop wasting your time in the church? You need to be sincere with yourself, to give candid answers to these questions so as not to go to church and just make the number.
God is always waiting to meet with you each time you appear in Zion, and I make bold to declare once again that, “In His presence, there is fullness of joy.”
You are a Champion!
Further Study: Ps. 28:1-8.
Covenant Prayers
- Thank you Lord, for the benefits you gave me in time past.
- Father, cause your joy and peace to be on the increase in my life.
- Lord, as I go to your presence always, satisfy my heart desires.
- This second half of 2022, my life shall become a wonder to many.