Covenant Instrument Becomes Beneficial When You Use It

Text for Today: Ephes. 6:10-18 “Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”(vs.11)

Whatever covenant instrument God has made available unto His children for warfare will only become beneficial to those who engage it from time to time. Nothing makes a man vulnerable in life to attacks of the enemy like going out without any covering.

The Apostle Paul wrote four letters during his imprisonment which formed four books in the New Testament of the Bible. While in prison, Paul noted how well-equipped a soldier-guard was. He discovered that unless a soldier is fully armed, he cannot discharge his duties as expected of him.

Thus, living in a dangerous world especially in this part of the world (Africa) without becoming a victim as a Christian requires putting on the “full armour of God”. From our text for today, the parts of the armour could be analyzed like this: truth is worn like a belt; righteousness covers the breast-plate; faith is the shield; readiness to proclaim the Gospel of Peace makes a pair of shoes.

Finally, there is the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God. We need protection in the world. We carry on active combat with forces that tempt us to trust in ourselves, that would take us away from the promises of God.

Paul’s words encourage us to trust the protection God gives us, defending and keeping us in times of temptation and protecting and delivering us from arrows and darts of the evil ones. As long as you put your trust in God, He promises to guard you from every danger and to defend you in every peril.

You are a Champion!

Further Study: 2 Cor. 6:1-10.

Covenant Prayers                        

  • Father, I thank you because you are my shield and fortress.
  • My destiny shall not become a prey to the enemy.
  • As I go out each day of the week, I shall abide under His shadow.
  • I receive grace to always put on the whole armor of God..


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