Champions Nuggets July - Sept 2022 Image

Decision; The Gateway To Your Future

Text for Today: Gen. 41:46-57 “…the people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, do.” (vs. 55).

Whenever you see a successful life, career, business, home, you have simply seen someone who once made a good decision. Where you are today is a function of decisions you made yesterday. Thus, if you are not pleased with where you are today, then you must make good decisions today, so tomorrow will be better.

In life you decide what your limits are, and also decide the level of your success. Beloved, I also want you to know that you are responsible for the time you spend here on earth.

Though the Bible says, “With long life will I satisfy you,” however, the way you live your life will determine how long you live. Many people are very complacent when it comes to taking decisions about their lives, and you see them lament later in the future.

Decision is taking a stand in life. The place of excellence is tied to decisions you make in life.

Life is full of so many choices that take you to diverse destinations based on the strength of the choice made per time. Beloved, I want you to understand that the decisions that a man makes in life can either land him on the throne or in a pit.

Many people are presently in some terrible situations because of some wrong decisions they made yesterday. From our text for today, we could see that Joseph was highly favoured by God and his ability to manage it with wisdom made him a solution to the problem that confronted the entire land of Egypt.

However, if he had not made the right decision when the wife of Portiphar tempted him, he wouldn’t have gotten to the throne.

You are a Champion!

Further Study: Prov. 4:1-12.

Covenant Prayers                            

  • Father, I thank you for the privilege of seeing this new day.
  • I reject every spirit of foolishness in the name of Jesus.
  • I receive grace to make right decisions in life in Jesus’ name.
  • Father, make me a voice and not a noise in Jesus’ name.


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