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Understand God’s Timing; He Cannot Lie

Text for Today: 2 Peter 3:8-16 “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness…” (vs. 9).

There are three impossibilities in life; God cannot lie, God cannot change and finally, you cannot be left alone as a covenant child. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

”God did not bring you this far to leave you all alone. Things might be hard for you to handle, but God is still saying, “I will make a way for you.” God is like oxygen; you can’t see Him, but you can’t live without Him.

Men may disappoint you over and over again, and still brag over it to your face, but I want you to know that your God cannot lie. He is too holy to lie or deny His word.

Never use the way men treat or abuse you to judge your relationship with God. Every plan and purpose of God for man has been programmed to be made manifest in a particular time.

Since the foundation of the earth, God has never failed in meeting up with His set time. When He told Abraham that, “By this time next year I will return”, He didn’t fail.

When Elisha told the Shunamite woman that, “According to the time of life, you will carry your baby, it surely came to pass.” One of the reasons why so many people become discouraged and fail too often is the inability to understand God’s timing.

In your own carnal thinking, you may feel that God is very slow in nearly everything He does, that is a lie of the devil. I like to inform you this morning that God cannot lie, as regards keeping His promises. The real problem is not with God but rather with us.

You are a Champion!

Further Study: 2 Kings 4:8-17.

Covenant Prayers                     

  • Father, I thank you for the breaking of this new day.
  • Dear Lord, thank you for all the promises you made to me.
  • I receive grace to be patient for my divine timing.
  • Father, use this month to fulfill all your promises for me.


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