When You Fix Your Thoughts On God; God Fixes Your Thoughts
Text for Today: Rom. 8:1-11 “Because the canal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.” (vs. 7).
The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation. And that is why, the greatest solution to all human problems is individual inner transformation, and failure to do this will lead to crisis.
Like I mentioned a few days ago as regards the virtue of praise, the devil knows the worth of a transformed mind, thus he will do everything possible to stop you from having it. You are the one that must make up your mind to stop the devil before he stops you.
The first enemy of a transformed mind is Stinking thinking – That is the kind of thoughts which do not help you to grow. Stinking thinking is any thought pattern which holds you captive to yesterday; and any thought pattern which precludes you from stretching yourself to the next level.
Stinking thinking makes you detach from those who would help you. Stinking thinking makes you a suspicion person, hinders you from trusting those who should bless you.
Stinking thinking fills you with worries. It causes you to have an antagonistic attitude towards people. The second one is Assumption – Assumption is the mother of “Mess-up”.
Assumption is dangerous for you because it could give you a false assurance in any area of life. The third and the final one for our discussion today is Presumption – Presumption also gives you a false conclusion about matters.
A cynical and envious thought pattern can make you a prisoner in your own body and then it becomes an enemy of your transformation. Be wise!
You are a Champion!
Further Study: Ezek. 20:1-30.
Covenant Prayers
- Father, I thank you for the gift of this new day.
- I come against the enemies of a transformed mind.
- My destiny shall not be crippled because of a canal mind.
- Lord, meet me at the point of my need as I go out today.