God Said It, God Gave It; Therefore I Have Victory

Text for Today: Prov. 23:12-23 “For surely there is an end, and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” KJV.(vs. 18).

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for covenant children to do nothing about it. Beloved, whatever evil you fail to confront will definitely persists and lead to destruction.

If you take letter “d” away from the name “devil” what you have left is “Evil”. What does that suggest to you, that monster is the architect of all evil.

He derives joy in perpetuating evil in the lives of those who cooperate with him for as long as he desires. You are not created for evil, you are not made for evil, neither are you fashioned for evil, thus you must reject, confront and cast it out in its entirety.

Our text for today is a beautiful assurance that, for surely there is an end to every evil the devil has brought into your life. But that is not all, the Bible says “and your expectation shall not be cut off….”

It means if you are experiencing serious difficulty now and your expectation is that it will soon turn out to be a testimony, such expectation shall not be cut off. It also means if you are struggling and studying diligently now with the expectation that you will succeed in life, such expectation shall not be cut off.

In other words, God requires you to be positive and expect the best from whatever situation you may be passing through. It is quite unfortunate however, that many people do not have good expectations whenever they are in unpleasant circumstance.

Beloved, you need to know that you can never rise above the level of your expectation in life. I decree into your life, this week will not end without you singing a new song.

You are a Champion!

Further Study: Est. 7:1-10.

Covenant Prayers                               

  • Father, I thank you for your great promises for me.
  • I receive power to phase out every evil around me.
  • Those that are waiting to laugh at me, shall be put to shame.
  • I go in your name today to possess my possession in Jesus’ name.


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