Champions Nuggets July - Sept 2022 Image

Our God Is Awesome!

Text for Today: Ps. 119:130-138 “Make your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me your statutes.” (vs. 135).

Halleluyah to the Most High, the ever faithful God, who has brought us into the eight month of this great year, which is a special month in my life and it is my prayer that you will enjoy pleasant surprises each day of this month in the name of Jesus. Right from the foundation of the earth, our God is awesome and remains awesome, marvelous, and up till now, He changeth not.

His acts are great and are incomprehensible to human reasoning and understanding. He chooses to do whatever pleases Him which no man can stop, and the effect of that which pleases Him are signs and wonders all around us.

From our text for today, God does, indeed smile. God smiles on everyone. He shows that He loves us and cares for us whenever we find ourselves even at our lowest point.

Our God is so caring, He is a loving Father. However, as you go through the journey of this new month, I like to implore you that if you see God the same way I am seeing Him, endeavor to do things that will please Him and make Him smile on you.

If you desire to please God, discover how to do it. I like you to know that God smiles when you love Him supremely; when you trust Him completely; when you obey Him wholeheartedly; when you praise and thank Him continually; and when you receive His gifts joyfully.

The Bible gives us many examples of people who pleased God and on whom God smiled. He smiled on Noah, Joseph, David, Esther, Mordecai, Abraham, Daniel, all because they lived their lives to please him. HAPPY NEW MONTH!

  You are a Champion!

Further Study: I John 3:22. 

Covenant Prayers                   

  • Father, I thank you for the privilege of seeing this new month.
  • Father, I thank you for your love towards me today and always.
  • I receive grace to live my life to please Him now and always.
  • Father, cause your face to shine upon me all through this month.


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