Champions Nuggets July - Sept 2022 Image

Stop Focusing On Harassment From The Enemy

Text for Today: Acts 5:12-26 “So one came and told them, saying, “Look, the men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people.” (vs. 25).

How big the threat of the enemy is or how long its been on ground can never stop God’s counsel from being fulfilled in the life of His children. He is the Almighty, who knows tomorrow from today and decides what happens each time.

What is man and who is man, to stand in the way of God’s counsel, whatever He chooses to do, no man can ever stop it. The Bible says, “For this reason, the Son of Man was made manifest, to destroy the works of darkness.”

It does not matter the kind of evil power the enemy may display or the level of harassment he may make against the elect, whatever he does can be nullified and reversed at any time. Stop focusing on harassment from the enemy; rather keep faith with the faithfulness of God that can never fail.

From our text today, the High Priest who ought to be happy that God’s kingdom is expanding day after day, instead became furious and plotted evil against the disciples. Apart from the fact that they do not believe in the gospel, another problem they had was that, they did not partake of the glory and accolades that came along with many miracles that accompanied the disciple’s teachings and ministrations.

No man can kill your glory or silence your destiny as long as you are under the shadow of God Almighty. They kept the disciples in prison, but the Mighty One in battle they serve brought them out and relocated them to the temple and kept the prison doors locked back as if nobody touched them. Glory be to God!

You are a Champion!

Further Study: Matt. 28:1-8.

Covenant Prayers                              

  • Father, I thank you for the privilege of seeing another day.
  • Lord, by your power, frustrate every evil plan against me today.
  • The adversary shall be put to shame over my matter today.
  • As I go out today, cause me to encounter your divine intervention.


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