Grace Carried Us Here, And By Grace We Will Carry On

Text for Today: 1 Corinthians 15:1-10 “For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.” (vs. 9).

Grace carried us here, and by grace we will carry on, was what I told our church members few weeks back as we step up our preparation for the fifteenth anniversary of our ministry which begins today.

When I look back to where and how the journey started fifteen years ago, all I could say is that, “Grace carried us here,” and may His name be praised forever. Time and space will not permit me to go into details.

Beloved, if you will also think deep and be sincere, by considering where the journey of your life, career, business, marriage, academics and even spiritual life started from and where you are today, the confession in your mouth should also be, “Grace carried me here.”

Beloved, whatever you have and wherever you are today, I make bold to declare that, it is beyond you, but by His grace. That was an honest and humble conclusion that Apostle Paul reached from our text for today.

I ask myself a question, why should it be Paul who persecuted the church that should be found worthy of such a great assignment, if not the grace of God that found him out.

Beloved, grace will not only give you what you deserved or worked for, but also things you do not even merit or qualify for. What qualification did Joseph have to become the number two citizen in the land of Egypt?

It is the grace of God. Anyone that tries to explain or justify how Joseph got to the throne, will end up throwing himself into confusion without acknowledging the role played by the grace of God. Always thank God for His grace at work in your life.

You are a Champion!    

Further Study: Gen. 41:37-57. 

Covenant Prayers                          

  • Father, I thank you for your grace that has carried me here.
  • Lord, cloth me with great grace that will carry me on in life.
  • The remaining days of this year, my life shall become a wonder.
  • The grace of God shall take me to my throne in destiny.


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