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They Could Not Abort The Plan Of God For His Life

Text for Today: Dan. 6:3-26 “I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.” (vs. 26).

 The power that is at work in the life of a man will determine the happenings in his life, either positive or negative. That is why as a believer, you must not engage in anything that will get you disconnected from His presence and power.

You don’t need to struggle or fight with those looking down on you because you are a child of God. What you need to do is to ask your God to announce you to your generation.

When this happens, no one will tell them before they follow you to serve your God. That was exactly what happened to Daniel, whom after God fought for him; the king was compelled to change his decree immediately.

God of vengeance fought for Daniel and delivered him from the plans and evil agenda of other governors and satraps, who were not happy with him because he was making progress. Beloved, as you move up on the ladder of life there are people who will do everything within their power to bring you down, because they will become uncomfortable with your progress.

I pray that God Almighty will silence such evil agents around you in the name of Jesus. Despite all they did against Daniel, they could not abort the great plan God had for him.

But the truth is, life is in phases and you have to learn to live each phase per time. You don’t have to live your life by another man’s wrist watch, because you were not born the same day. Don’t envy people who are celebrating their victories today.

Rejoice with them because very soon they will gather to celebrate with you.

You are a Champion!

Further study: Gen. 30:1-24.

Covenant Prayer Points:                               

  • Father, I thank you for the privilege of seeing this new day.
  • Dear Lord, let good things come my way today in Jesus’ name.
  • I come against the spirit of envy or jealousy in my life.
  • I speak to my life today; it is my turn to be congratulated.


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